Your business and customers are looking for better delivery frequency, schedule reliability, and information sharing while also wanting the lowest costs possible. Lowering “movement” costs with better service options is now becoming strategically important.

We can help you analyze the array of options available and then determine and implement the marketplace needed changes.

Transportation OperationsPlains, Trains, and…
Are they serving your customers well? 


SCG works with you to:

  • Analyze current and anticipated future spend, and inbound and outbound shipments to determine patterns
  • Utilize “should cost” models, best practices, industry modes analyses, and other analyses to identify opportunities
  • Define business cases for opportunities
  • Implement reengineered transportation functions, new carrier sourcing, and if justified implement TMS and/or Fleet technologies

Once identified, you may be able to implement significant benefits, at times from 5-15% of spend, within a fiscal quarter.