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“Times They Are A Changin” for Meeting Needs of the New Customer

To quote Bob Dylan, the “times they are a’changin.” While many have moved on from a pallet-based store delivery supply chain and have brick and mortar stores doing fulfillment, and may even be implementing better inventory management: the underlying cost structure has started to rapidly change. Compounding this change is an Omni-channel customer with a […]

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Supply Chain Integration: Changing to Omni-Channel for a Seamless Shopping Experience

Providing an Omni-Channel shopping experience (meaning the consumer is connected and tracked across all shopping channels, including those online and in person) for customers and clients is increasingly becoming the norm for businesses of all sizes. Customers have increasing expectations that their orders can be shipped to their homes or picked up at brick and […]

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7 “Tell-Tale” signs your supply chain is hiding issues

There’s no doubt that business has gotten tougher. Competition and globalization are driving the need to be ‘more-nimble’, better, ‘further-reaching,’ and faster; in an ‘ever-changing’ competitive environment. Consumers increasingly demand more personalization and convenience both at a lower cost; which only an efficient, effective. and modernized omni-channel supply chain can deliver. While many executives understand […]

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